Apple iPhones get price cuts, here are details - ATZone

Apple iPhones get price cuts, here are details

At last, Apple has come out with the news so eagerly and expectantly awaited by a huge section of customers who have been longing to buy an iPhone.
Apple has introduced 3 iPhone models and also announced that it has reduced the prices of the models including iPhone X which are already in sales.
The prices of iPhone models have been reduced not only in the international market but in India as well.  Accordingly, the price of the iPhone model iPhone 6S 32 GB Variband starts as Rs. 29900. The price of iPhone 6S Plus starts at Rs. 34900.
The revised prices of the iPhone models have been uploaded on the India website.
The ales of iPhone models iPhone SE., iPhone 6S, iPhone6S Plus, and iPhoneX has been stopped in the United States of America.
However, only the sales of the iPhone model iPhone SE. has been stopped in India.
As per the revisions, the price of the iPhoneX 64GB Variant is fixed at Rs. 91900. The same model with 256GB Variband is fixed at Rs. 106900.
Further, the prices of the models iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus have also been reduced. Accordingly, the price of the 64GB iPhone 8 will be Rs. 59900 and the same model with 256 GB Variant is fixed at Rs. 74900. Earlier, these models were sold at Rs. 67940 and Rs. 81500 respectively.
The price of the model iPhone 8 Plus 64GB Variant has been revised as Rs. 69900. Earlier, this was sold at Rs. 77560. The price of the same model with 256 GB Variant has been reduced by Rs. 6210 – from Rs. 91110 to Rs. 84900.
The prices of the models iPhone7 and iPhone7 Plus have also been reduced. Accordingly, the price of the 32GB iPhone7 will be sold to Rs. 39900 and 128GB version will be sold at Rs. 49900. Earlier, these were being sold at Rs. 52370 and Rs. 61560.
iPhone 7 Plus 32 GB Variant is sold at Rs. Rs. 49900 and the 128GB Variant of the same model are sold at Rs. 59900.


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