Be careful about these issues of using hair gel - ATZone

Be careful about these issues of using hair gel

We give lots of importance to our hairs as these hairs are regarded as vital elements that constitute the look of a person. To keep the hairs in perfect and neat condition we use hair gels. By using hair gel we could harden our hairs into a particular hairstyle. It is amazing to note that since the ancient Greco Roman times or Egyptian times, natural hair gels have been in use. Many of us use hair gels without knowing the issues these hair gels could create in us.
Few side effects of hair gels are
Hairs become dry and dehydrated: 
This is one important side effect that is caused due to hair gel application. Moisture from hairs and scalp are stripped of by the alcohol and corrosive chemicals present in the hair gels. As a result the hairs become dry and dehydrated. It is revealed that these hair gels also reduce the production of sebum and cause dry, brittle and breakage prone hairs in us. There would also be issues of itchy and flaky scalp in us. So be careful while using hair gels.
Hair loss occurs:
We all want our hairs to be strong and healthy but usage of hair gels could lead to hair loss in us. The hair gels could lead to dryness and dehydration in hairs and scalp and this could result in hair loss in us. There are many chemicals in hair gels and these chemicals along with external pollutants react with dead cell build up and excess sebum present in the scalp. Clogging of hair follicles takes place and finally hair loss occurs.
Dandruff occurs:
Having nice and smooth scalp is what most of us desire but by using hair gels we could get dandruff in us. It is said that dehydrated, infected scalp has irritation, itchiness and flakiness and these lead to dandruff issue. Dandruff could get aggravated by improper production of sebum plus due to clogged skin pores and hair follicles etc. Scalp inflammation or seborrhoeic dermatitis could result in issues like acne etc.
Discolouration issues:
Majority of us want our hairs to be black. It is now clear that by using hair gels our hairs could get faded and discoloured etc. The hair gels strip of the nourishments and it disturbs the pH balance. The presence of harmful chemicals in the hair gels could affect our colour of hairs fading it and finally leading to discolouration.


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