"Can Pregnant Women and Allergy Sufferers Eat Papaya? Know the Facts!" - ATZone

“Can Pregnant Women and Allergy Sufferers Eat Papaya? Know the Facts!”

1. For People with Allergies:

Safe if no latex allergy: Most people can eat papaya without issues.
Avoid if allergic to latex: Papaya contains chitinase, which can trigger latex-fruit syndrome, leading to itching, swelling, or breathing difficulties.
Ripe papaya is generally safer: It has lower allergenic proteins compared to raw papaya.

2. For Pregnant Women:

Ripe papaya is safe: Fully ripened papaya is rich in vitamins (A, C, and folate) and aids digestion.
Unripe/Raw papaya is risky: It contains papain, which can cause uterine contractions and may lead to complications in early pregnancy.
Moderation is key: If pregnant, always consult a doctor before consuming papaya.

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