Diabetes could be due to these reasons

Many people these days have a health disorder in them and this is diabetes (high blood sugar levels over prolonged time)
Point is the blood sugar levels needs to be controlled because uncontrolled blood sugar levels could result in the diabetes issue. When a person lacks insulin hormone in his or her blood, then the person is said to be affected by diabetes. This diabetes is of three types namely type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.
There are few factors (modifiable and non-modifiable) that could lead to diabetes in us and these are
Family history:
This is one type of non-modifiable factor that could lead to diabetes issue in us. The chances of getting both type-1 as well as type-2 diabetes increase due to family history. It is important to get tested for diabetes if there is a family history. By detecting early ,it is possible to control diabetes well on time.
Lack of exercise:
It is important to note that lack of exercise could increase the risk of getting type-2 diabetes. For our body to function properly it is essential that we must do physical exercises. Even by doing simple exercises, it is possible to control the risk of type-2 diabetes.
Unhealthy diet:
Intake of diet affects many factors apart from the body weight. The point is poor diet would increase the chances of getting type-2 diabetes in us. Foods rich in fibre could be beneficial. It is advised not to eat highly processed foods as well as foods rich in added sugars.
Women of reproductive age get affected by an issue called PCOS is known. This PCOS or poly cystic ovarian syndrome is one of the important reasons for infertility in women. Women with PCOS have more chances of getting affected by type-2 diabetes.
Over Weight  / Obesity:
Type-2 as well as gestational diabetes could affect a person who is obese or overweight. To fight the risk of many diseases, a person must have a healthy BMI or body mass index. It is revealed that intake of healthy diet and regular exercise could help us in reaching healthy weight.


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