Due to some technical problems, the 24 hours emergency 108 Ambulance Service has been affected. A temporary number has been given until it is restored.
108 Ambulance Service was inaugurated on the occasion of Arignar Anna’s Birthday in the year 2008 in order to reduce and prevent the loss of lives in road accidents by the Department of Family Welfare and General Health.
The service was stated initially with 15 ambulances. Presently, the service functions with 930 ambulances and is doing an excellent service. Whenever a road accident occurs, an arrangement has been set up for the service ambulance to reach the accident site within a period of 13 minutes and 40 seconds! This is a matter of pride indeed as it is lower by a good margin as compared to the national average time for this purpose which is 17 minutes!
Within the Chennai Metro, arrangements are made such the ambulance service will reach the spot within 8.32 minutes.
This 108 Ambulance Service functions nonstop to provide this emergency service to thousands of residents. Picking up the persons affected in the accident and taking them to the hospital, maternity/delivery service, service for children are among the various services provided. The public dial the number 108 to access this service.
In this scenario, this above emergency number of 108 has been affected, So, in order to provide the public with non-stop service, a new temporary number has been allotted for this purpose.
As there is a technical problem encountered in the BSNL network system for 108 services, the public has been informed to contact another temporary number till this is restored – 044-40170100.
While enquiring on this with the Ambulance Centre Executive Officer, he explained that due to some technical issues, the 108 service has been affected. The restoration work is already in progress and is being expedited. With a view not to disturb the public because of the above issues, a new temporary number – 044-40170100 has been provided. The public can use this number. The announcement regarding the restoration of 108 services will be made as soon as the restoration activities are completed.