Healthy Tips – Avoid these foods with saturated fats as they could cause serious health issues

Along with carbohydrates and proteins, fats are one of the macronutrients and saturated fat is a fat that has got fatty acid chains with single bonds. The saturated foods are fatty foods and they have higher melting point. Cheese and few animal products contain saturated fats.
When saturated fats are consumed by us then the bad cholesterol in us gets increased. As a result of that, bad cholesterol gets accumulated on the arterial walls and hinders smooth blood flow from the heart to other parts. It is essential that we must keep check on our cholesterol levels so that we don’t get affected by serious health issues. In this regard restriction in the intake of saturated fats must be followed by us without fail. There are few foods that are rich in saturated fats. These foods must be avoided by us to be hale and healthy.
Few saturated fats rich foods that must be avoided by us are      
Avoid mayonnaise consumption:
A thick cold sauce is used in sandwiches etc and this is mayonnaise. It consists of egg yolk, oil emulsion and vinegar or citric acid. 100 gms of mayonnaise has got 12gms of saturated fats. The excess intake of mayonnaise must be avoided by us.
Reduce butter intake:
Dairy products are those that are got from the milk of mammals and butter is a dairy product having 80 % of butterfat. This butter plays an important role in our meals is known. Butter is rich in saturated fats and 100 gms of butter has got 51 gms of saturated fats. Hence it is important to consume less butter to have good health.
Avoid processed meat consumption:
Saturated fats are present in high amounts in processed meats like salami, sausage etc. Hence these processed meats intake must be avoided.  The presence of animal fat in the processed meats is unhealthy. To get adequate amounts of proteins it is better to consume lean meats, chicken breast. Tofu etc instead of processed meats.
Avoid dried and sweetened coconut intake:
It is said that dried and sweetened coconut have rich amounts of saturated fats in them and the intake of these must be avoided by us.
Do not consume deep fried foods:
There are many deep fried foods like alcapurrias, arancini, bean chips, fried chicken etc and these foods have high amounts of saturated fats in them. So it is important that we must avoid eating these deep fried foods.
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