Healthy Tips - Be careful, these are the side effects of consuming excess flax seeds - ATZone

Healthy Tips – Be careful, these are the side effects of consuming excess flax seeds

Belonging to the family ‘linaceae’, flax seeds or linseed are cultivated in ancient Egypt, China etc. This is one of the oldest fibre crops in the world. This flax seed is rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, fibres, proteins, omega 3 fatty acids etc. Flaxseeds are present in many forms like seeds, oil, powder, tablet etc. Many of us consume flax seeds these days as it provides us many health benefits like protection against cancer, prevents cardiovascular diseases, prevents diabetes etc.
The consumption of these flax seeds in excess could result in many health issues in us. These are
Increases the bowel movements:
When flax seeds are consumed in excess it could trigger abdominal discomfort. The frequency of bowel movements would be more and it would lead to diarrhoea. When left untreated it could lead to other issues like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis etc.
Clotting of blood would be slow:
This is also one important side effects of excess intake of flax seeds. Long time is taken for the blood to clot in us and it is a slow process.
Intestinal blockages occur:
Obstruction of intestines or oesophagus could take place if we consume excess flax seeds. Constipation occurs in those with scleroderma when they consume excess flaxseeds having omega 3 fatty acids.
Inflammation gets worsened:
The studies have confirmed that excess consumption of flax seeds could result in increase of inflammation in us. Hence it is better to avoid eating flax seeds than to suffer from increased inflammation.
Macular degeneration:
This age related issue is one of the leading causes for vision loss in many these days. It is said that intake of excess of flaxseeds could increase the risk of getting macular degeneration issue.
Increases cancer risk:
It has been proved by the studies that excessive consumption of flax seeds could increase the risk of cancer in both men and women. Men could get prostate cancer and women could get breast cancer.
Unsafe safe during pregnancy:
The consumption of flax seeds must be avoided by the pregnant women as the hormonal varying property of flax seeds could induce menstrual cycle in them.
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