Healthy Tips : Do not consume these foods when you have gout disease - ATZone

Healthy Tips : Do not consume these foods when you have gout disease

When excess amounts of uric acid is present in our blood then we could get gout disease. It is a type of arthritis and is responsible for inflammation in the joints. People affected with this gout disease have redness, intense pain plus joint swelling. It is important to mention that gout usually occurs in the big toes present in us but there are possibilities that gout could occur in fingers, wrists, knees etc also. One important piece of information is the pain comes rapidly in less than 12 hours of time. People who consume diet rich in purine are said to be more affected by this gout diseases. During gout those foods that could be consumed by us are potatoes, peas, mushrooms, soya beans, nuts etc. This gout affects 1 to 2% of people living in Europe, Australasia, America etc. Factors like metabolic syndrome, longer life expectancy etc had resulted in more people affected with gout in these countries. Drinking enough water during gout is very important as it could flush out uric acid crystals.
There are certain foods that must not be consumed by us when we have gout. These foods are
Avoid intake of Meat:
High level of purine is present in red meat and organ meats such as liver, kidney etc. Hence these should not be consumed by us during gout. Veal, pheasants, venison must also be avoided by us. These meats could trigger gout during the night time.
Beverages to be avoided:
The formation of uric acid gets increased by the fructose and sugar present in the beverages. This increase in uric acid could result in the severity of gout disease. It is clear that these beverages activate certain cellular process in our body and hence increase the uric acid content in us. Fruit juices, sugary sodas and alcohol must not be consumed.
Refined carbohydrates:
During gout certain refined carbohydrates like white bread, cakes, white rice, sugar etc must be avoided. These refined carbohydrates are not high in purine or fructose. These have low nutritional values and could increase the uric acid in us.
Say no to processed foods:
People eat many processed foods like chips, snacks and frozen meals these days. These foods should not be consumed by us when we have gout disease. These foods could increase the issue of gout in our joints and thereby could create great discomfort for us.
Avoid intake of fishes:
Intake of fishes and shellfishes must be avoided by us during gout because as these could cause harm to our body.  Some types of fishes that should not be consumed are herring, trout, sardines, tuna, mackerels etc. Shrimp and lobster belongs to shellfish category and these must be avoided.
Do not consume added sugars:
For upgrading the taste and look of the dishes, some food items like honey, corn syrup, maple syrup are added is known. These food items are rich in fructose and could increase the uric acid levels in us. These added sugars should not be consumed during gout.
Yeast to be avoided:
It is said that nutritional yeast, brewer’s yeast and other yeast supplements must also be avoided during gout disease.

Other food types:
Many consume chicken, beef, pork and these foods have low purine content in them. These foods should be avoided as these foods might trigger gout attacks.


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