Healthy Tips – Do you know why sometimes our heart beats faster than normal?

In our body heart is an important organ and the main task of this heart is to pump is well known. Blood rich in oxygen is provided to various parts of our body by means of pumping. It is said that by this blood our body organs gets strength to perfume many activities that is essential for our lives.
We all know that our heart beats at a rate of 60 to 100 times per minute but sometimes our heart beats faster than the normal rates. This could create huge tension in us. People often get confused with this increase in the heart beat and they mistake it as stroke. The fact is it is not always the stroke that causes our heart to beat faster and there are few other causes also.
These are the reasons why sometimes our heart beats faster than the normal.
During stress:
This is one important reason for the heart to beat faster than the normal. During the times of stress our nervous system and adrenal glands would release adrenaline or non-epinephrine. The receptors present in heart reciprocate these hormones and make our heart beat faster.
During fever or cold etc:
Fever, cold, cough and sneeze are few common issues affecting us and these issues could make our heart beat faster than the normal rate. To fight against these our heart has to work harder and hence our heart beats increases.
Intake of caffeine:
By consuming high amounts of caffeine our heart beats would be more than the normal as our nervous system would get paced up.
Panic attack:
Sometimes sudden periods of intense fear or panic attacks could also increase our heart beat. There would be shivering of our body plus others issues like sweating, confusion and shortness of breath etc.
In our body deficiency of iron results in anaemia is known. Our body would not be able to produce sufficient number of red blood cells. Persons suffering from anaemia have high heart beat rates in them.
Low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia:
Not many know the fact that low blood sugar could also make our heart beat faster than the normal. So be careful when you have low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia.
Strain in our heart occurs due to dehydration and the amount of blood circulating through our body decreases during dehydration. Our heart beats faster to compensate this and heart rate gets increased.
Night terrors:
Some persons get partially awaken from the sleep in a state of terror and this is night terror. It is one form of sleeping disorder and the persons would not have any memory about this when they awaken. The heart beat increases due to night terrors also.
Our thyroid glands produce thyroid hormones and when excess thyroid hormones are produced then the condition is known as hyperthyroidism. There are few symptoms seen in persons with this condition. Irritability, muscle weakness, increased heart beat etc. Hence one cause for our more heart beats could be due to hyperthyroidism also.


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