Healthy Tips - Our hands could indicate the presence of low or underactive thyroid in us - ATZone

Healthy Tips – Our hands could indicate the presence of low or underactive thyroid in us

Butterfly shaped thyroid gland is present at the base of our neck and this gland is responsible for producing hormones that could regulate our metabolism. The network of such glands is known as endocrine glands. It is known that hyperthyroidism is a condition when the thyroid glands become overactive and hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid glands become underactive. One important point is women have more thyroid issues when compared to the men.
This hypothyroidism could be indicated by our hands also.
Cold hands:
When a person has hypothyroidism then the activity of thyroid gland is low. This is linked to high amounts of amino acid called homocysteine. When this happens then there is poor blood flow and our hands could become cold.
Wrinkles in hands:
Fine lines and wrinkles are present on the skin and also these are visible on our hands. This could happen when a person has hypothyroidism. Ageing is faster in those persons who have got underactive thyroid in them. This leads to more wrinkles in their hands. This hypothyroidism could lead to dry skin and due to dry skin the wrinkles are visible.
Skin turns yellow:
Decreased thyroid hormone could turn the skin to pale and yellow. Hence the yellow skin is an important indicator of hypothyroidism.  Redness and flakiness appears on the skin. The palms in the hands become discoloured also.
Presence of yellow nails:
Not only skin turns yellow in colour but also the nails when a person is having hypothyroidism. Discolouration of nails and nail beds could be possible due to lack of blood flow.
Nails become brittle:
This is also one important sign that is indicated by hypothyroidism. Nails become dry and break off easily. Lack of blood flow to the extremities could be the reason for this.
Onychomycosis occurs:
This is also called as ‘tinea unguium’ and is a fungal infection in the nails. Persons having this issue show many symptoms like thickening of nails, white or yellow discolouration and separation of nail from nail bed etc. Toe nails would be affected more. This fungal infection of our nails is another indicator that hypothyroidism is present.
Hypothyroidism friendly foods that must be taken are:
There are few foods that must be consumed by us if we have hypothyroidism issue in us. The foods that could improve the activity of thyroid glands are nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits, seaweed, fish, fortified milk consumption and beans.


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