Healthy Tips - These calcium rich fruits must be consumed by every pregnant woman without fail - ATZone

Healthy Tips – These calcium rich fruits must be consumed by every pregnant woman without fail

It is known that pregnancy is an important period in the life of a woman. Health of a woman during pregnancy is very important because it directly affects the baby inside her womb. During pregnancy the women must not consume oil rich foods, junk foods etc as they might affect the health. It is essential that a pregnant mother must consume foods rich in calcium so that the bones and muscles of the baby get good strength. By the intake of calcium many health issues could be prevented in the babies.
There are certain fruits that are rich in calcium and these are
Intake of dried fig:
This dried fig is one important fruit that should be taken by the women who are pregnant. It is rich in calcium and omega 3 fatty acids and these are superb as they provide many health benefits. It is said that a cup of dried fig has got 241mg of calcium in it.
Dates consumption:
Also called as date palm, dates belong to family arecaceae. Dates are mostly cultivated for its edible fruit. Date has 15.36 mg of calcium. Hence it is important for the pregnant women to consume dates.
Consumption of dried apricots:
It is known that these dried apricots are sweet to taste and are superb. These apricots contain calcium and must be taken by the women who are pregnant.
Kiwi fruit intake:
Berry is a fleshy fruit produced from a single flower having one ovary is a known fact. Kiwi fruit is an edible berry of woody vines.  The presence of high amounts of vitamins and calcium in kiwi fruits does superbly during the pregnancy of a woman.
Mulberry consumption:
Mostly found in Asia, Africa an America, these mulberry fruits are red or purple in colour. Mulberry fruits are rich in calcium and every pregnant woman must consume this without fail. Intake of mulberry eliminates calcium deficiency and improves bone strength.
Intake of kumquat:
These kumquats belong to the family rutaceae and they are group of small fruit bearing trees. Resembling orange in the colour and size but it is actually smaller in size. These kumquats are rich in vitamin A and C plus also in calcium.


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