Healthy Tips - These health benefits of consuming purslane are tremendous - ATZone

Healthy Tips – These health benefits of consuming purslane are tremendous

During the summer season many of us would have come across purslane near our houses or surroundings. This purslane is green leafy vegetable belonging to the family named ‘Portulacaceae”.  This purslane is seen in places like Asia, Europe, Africa and Middle East etc and the scientific name is Portulaca oleracea.  It is interesting to mention here that the leaves, stem, flowers, seeds etc of this purslane are used in medicines, beauty products etc.
What does purslane contains?
The omega-3 fatty acids are present more in Purslane than in any green leafy vegetable. There are vitamins A, C, D, E etc present in purslane. Purslane also has got fibres and minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, potassium etc. Apart from these purslane also has got antioxidant compounds like betalain pigments and carotenoids. Consumption of purslane is highly beneficial for our health.
Various benefits of consuming purslane are
Good for weight loss:
Those who want to lose their excess body weights intake of this green leafy vegetable are amazing. The presence of fibres in this green leafy vegetable gives fullness feeling. Being low in calories intake of purslanes could help in weight loss.
Helps in development of child:
Here the presence of omega 3 fatty acids in purslane plays a big role. The omega 3 fatty acids lower the developmental issues like ADHD and autism etc in the child.
Treats gastrointestinal issues:
There are many gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea, intestinal bleeding, dysentery and these issues could be treated well by the intake of purslane. The presence of many organic compounds in purslane like dopamine, malic acid, alanine, glucose, citric acid etc does superbly in treating number of intestinal conditions.
Cancer could be prevented:
Many people die these days due to cancer is known fact. The presence of vitamin A and vitamin C in this green leafy vegetable acts as antioxidants and prevent oral and lung cancers etc. The betacyanins and betaxanthins present in purslane prevent free radicals from causing mutations in the healthy cells.
Improvement in vision:
This is also one superb benefit of intake of purslane. Our eye health and vision gets improved due to the presence of vitamin A and beta carotene in this green leafy vegetable. By eliminating the free radicals attacking the cells in eyes, intake of purslane could prevent macular degeneration and cataracts in us.
Gives strength to bones:
The minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese gives strength and fastens the healing process of bones in us.  Hence osteoporosis is avoided.


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