Healthy Tips - Why these fruit juice combinations rich in antioxidants would be fantastic for us? - ATZone

Healthy Tips – Why these fruit juice combinations rich in antioxidants would be fantastic for us?

Just thinking about a glass full of cold sweet fruit juice makes our mouth watery isn’t it!!
We all like to drink fruit juices as these juices quench our thirst plus make us feel hydrated etc. The important fact is these fruit juices are rich in antioxidants that protect us against the free radical damage. It is known that free radical damage occurs due to exposure to certain chemicals, smoking pollution etc.  It is superb to mention that antioxidants in fruit juices reduce the risk of getting cancer, reduces infections plus play its role in the health of the heart.
Various antioxidants present in fruits are:
There are many antioxidants present in fruits and these are lycopene, anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, tannins etc. It is important that we must consume many fruits to get many antioxidants for our lives to be healthy.
There are few antioxidant rich fruit juice combinations that must be consumed by us. These are
Combination of watermelon and lemon:
By the intake of both watermelon and lemon juice it is possible to combat the formation of free radicals that could cause cancer in us. The watermelon has got high water content and keeps our body hydrated. The antioxidant lycopene is present in huge amounts in watermelons. The presence of vitamin C in lemons is highly beneficial for us.
Combination of mango and pineapple:
The presence of vitamin A and flavonoids etc in mangoes make it a superb for us. The flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene etc in mangoes improves our eyesight greatly. Pine apples are rich in vitamin C and phenolic acids etc and play an important role in our health.
Combination of strawberry and orange:
This strawberry fruit is rich in antioxidants and they help in fight against the carcinogens plus also protect us against many cardiovascular diseases etc. The presence of vitamin C in strawberry protects us from free radical damage. Vitamin C is present in the oranges also and the combination of strawberry and orange is tremendous.
Cherry and kiwi combination:
The neurological functions in us are maintained by the presence of vitamin A in tart cherries. Oxidative stress and inflammations gets reduced by the polyphenols in cherry fruits. It is said that kiwi fruit has great amounts of vitamin C.
Apples and guava combination:
Healthy ageing plus protecting our cells from oxidative damage is achieved by intake of apples that are rich in antioxidants, pectin, quercetin etc. Guava fruit is rich in vitamin A, C etc.
Lychee and blueberry combination:
This lychee helps in the functioning of our immune system plus it also gives us protection against cold etc. The vitamin A and C are present in huge amounts in blueberries and the combination of both lychee and blueberry is awesome.


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