Important tips for this monsoon season - ATZone

Important tips for this monsoon season

Healthy Diet
Monsoon season is where body realigns itself to adjust the change of temperature and sudden environmental shift. Body adapts this change in forms of eliminating symptoms like fever, cold, flu like indications and other infections. Do not get panic if you get any other symptoms in the monsoon season as it is a clear indication of bodily adjustment. Follow a healthy diet easy to digest and assimilate nutrients for the body.
In case of heavy cold sip hot water occasionally and make sure you do not eat anything without the sensation of hunger. Cold juices, junk and fried foods, chat items and other street food should be strictly avoided anytime especially during the monsoon season to avoid any kind of spreading infections and diseases.
Seasonal fruits must be consumed adequately to increase the immunity levels of body. Nature gives specific fruits on specific seasons for the benefit of the living condition with healthy body. So do not miss the seasonal fruits and veggies available for this monsoon. Wash the fruits and vegetables with warm water or vinegar solution and then consume it as an extra care.
Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Do not overconsume water as it may stress your kidneys. Drink sufficient amount of water whenever you are thirsty and sometimes warm water in the times of cold like symptoms. Herbal teas should be preferred to other beverages in the monsoon season. Avoid carbonated drinks as it may dehydrate your body to extensive levels causing all kinds of health imbalances.
Air conditioning
Never sit in an air-conditioned room when it is raining outside. If you are soaked completely on rainwater outside do not enter into ac room. Dry yourself completely and stay indoors with opened windows. Staying long time in ac rooms will create temperature imbalance in your body leading to certain kind of hormonal diseases.
Taking a shower (only head to toe shower) in the morning is a must during the monsoon season that is prone to many viral and bacterial infections. Depending on the activity you can take bath twice a day.
Mental stability
One should never get any kind of fear looking at the monsoon period of the year. It is the best season when nature showers water for the flourishment of organisms including human beings. It supplies water and other resource for developing vegetation throughout the land leading to food production. So never get panic hearing the rumors spread through social media or other TV channels regarding unknown diseases or infections. Those kind of feverish symptoms is the eliminations of wastes from the body that should be handled with lots of patience. Take rest and eat right so that the body gets a gap to realign itself for the season. This can prevent all kind of infections and diseases away from your vicinity.


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