In Chennai city, many traffic violators would lose their driving licenses - ATZone

In Chennai city, many traffic violators would lose their driving licenses

Chennai is a city with huge population and many people use their vehicles to move from one place to another. The peoples using their vehicles violate many traffic rules and cause problems. Many efforts have been taken to stop this traffic violation. The sensational piece of news is the Chennai city traffic police traffic has asked the regional transport offices or RTO to suspend licenses of 61,504 traffic violators. There are many traffic violations such as jumping red light, drunken driving, over speeding, over loading, carrying the passengers in goods carriages and using mobile phones while driving vehicles etc. These traffic violations have invited issues for the Chennai people who drive their vehicles. There are also other violations like driving two-wheelers without helmet and driving four-wheeler without using seat belt etc and many people have been fined for these violations.
Of these traffic violations over speeding is the first in the list and as many as 2917 licences of motorists exceeding the speed limits face the axe. A police officer spoke about how people feel that they could get away easily after jumping the red signal and how as many as 29032 people have violated this and they are in the list of traffic violations. He later explained about how as many as 10651 people would lose their licenses due to drunken driving and how 8810 people would lose licenses because of using their mobile phones while driving. It is important to mention here that 9964 drivers carried more than the permitted number of people in goods carriages and 430 drivers would lose their licences for overloading goods carriages. According to a senior RTO official, recommendations have been received from police seeking suspension of driver’s licenses for various traffic violations.
He later highlighted that the first time traffic violators would have their licenses suspended for a specific time period and those who repeat this would lose their licences. The traffic police would decide about the punishment. Wearing helmet while driving the two-wheelers is important as the helmet could save the life of that person driving the vehicle. It is now said that the two-wheeler drivers do not realize this importance of wearing helmets.
A police officer spoke about how Rs 100 charged as fine for not wearing helmet while driving a two-wheeler was taken in an easy way. He later added that people should know that repeated violation of helmet rule would cost them their licence. Additional commissioner of police, traffic, Mr. Arun spoke about how the rule of suspending driver`s licenses are being enforced in right earnest and how the enforcement alone cannot make the people obey the rules. There would be a superb and complete change only when people realise that it is for their own safety that rules have been put.
Joint commissioner of police, traffic (South), Mr. Sudhakar, threw light on how people think that they could be free by paying Rs 100 for violating the traffic rules. By suspending their licenses a message would be sent to these vehicle drivers who violate the rules of traffic.


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