Meditation boosts intelligence and reduce stress levels - ATZone

Meditation boosts intelligence and reduce stress levels

Psychological stress and anxiety can be very much reduced with the help of mindful meditation concluded a latest research. The study has also shown that people meditating regularly have increased intelligent quotient levels as the practice of mindfulness can realign the gray matter and nerve connections of brain itself, a big revelation found out from many similar studies and experiments.
Rinpoche, a Tibetan Monk was examined with all kinds of modern medical equipment and scanning system. While he is in deep meditation the readings of brain showed increased activity in creative sector of the brain and reduced activity in stress inducing parts of the neural schema. The new study has also assured low perceived stress which was one of the main reason for many brain related and mental disorders.
Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education — a US-based non-profit organization conducted the latest study where the participants showed general improvement in mood, stress management and increased intelligence levels after steady progression in the practice of mindful meditation. Keeping the focus on any of the vital activities like breath or sound can improve concentration and focusing ability of the brain on a single entity. The success of people almost always lies in the factor of concentration on a single work without any kind of diversion or deviation. Modern world has got all the necessary things to divert us from important things. So practicing any form of mindfulness technique will bring back the essential skill of concentration into our brains.
Mindfulness meditation has shown tremendous physical and mental health benefits that even leads to the rewiring of the gray matter of brain. So the entire genome of a person can be altered and reset with the help of meditation says many experts and gurus on meditation.


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