Soon Property Registration to be done as per Token System - ATZone

Soon Property Registration to be done as per Token System

Presently, the system of according the priority for property registration is given according to the time of the people visiting the registration offices. Now, this system is being given up and an order has been issued that priority for property registration will follow the order of the serial number of the registration applications.

For this purpose, the token system as adopted in the banks is to be followed. To make the displays in the registration offices of the token system, electronic display systems have been procured.

In order to improve the transparency of the property registration procedure to be at the maximum transparency level, several activities have been initiated.

The new system of ‘online’ property registration was introduced on 12th February. The problems encountered during the initial stages of this new system have now been solved and the operating software ‘Star 2.0’ has been modified and improved. So, the people interested in online property registration will need to follow the required procedure to furnish the input data.

Once the checking/scrutinising process is completed by the registrars, the time and date for the concerned property registration will be allotted and an exclusive toke will be issued for this purpose.

The property registration will be carried out as per the serial order of the tokens issued. However, it has also been observed that some registrar follow the malpractice of according the priority to their known persons or those who come through recommendations overlooking the system of strictly following the serial order as per the token numbers.

At the same time, another flimsy excuse citing some technical problems (when really there are none) and disappoint the customer causing some extra hardships. Because of this, though the token system has been implemented, a crowd gathers around the registrar’s office. So, it is still doubtful whether the serial order as per the token number is strictly followed as complained by the public to the ID of the Department of Registration.

Subsequently, Kumarakurubaran decided to adopt some bold and inspirational changes in the system. Accordingly, the present system of according to the arrival time of the visitors who come for property registration is being given up. The system of strictly following as per the serial order will be implemented.

In case the person of the called token number fails to appear or if any corrections/additional information is required on the concerned token, an ‘online’ information must be displayed immediately. Only after this, the next token number should be announced/called, This new procedure will ensure that the people are not unduly subjected to unwanted delays and hardrdships.

After a trail for observing the new procedure for some time, depending on its success, it will be extended to all registration office.

He explained regarding this that certain modifications have been carried out in the used software for this purpose of implementing the revision in the procedure.

It has been scheduled that by the end of September, the new procedure of token system will be implemented in 575 registrar offices. At the same time, special arrangements are being made to set up the display systems to announce the token number as done in the banks to enable the public to note and act.

Accordingly, the token display equipment is to be procured from ELCOT. With this, the public will have the facility to observe the registration process and progress to know which token has been called for registration without approaching the registrar.

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