Sweet potatoes vs white potatoes, Which is healthier? - ATZone

Sweet potatoes vs white potatoes, Which is healthier?

Potatoes! Wow, those are saviors. They have a long shelf life so it’s double beneficial. Both regular as well as sweet potatoes are loved by most of us. There are a lot of diet practices that recommend sweet potato over regular ones, but how far is it true? How far are sweet potatoes healthier than white ones? Go on and take a glimpse of the below to know the answer
Calorie count
The calorie in either of them are almost the similar. Considering a hundred grams of baked white potato, there is about 93 calories in it, and the same hundred grams of sweet potato comes with 90 calories.
There is very high starch content in both of them. Starch, to note, is a form of carbohydrates. In about a hundred grams of potato, there is 21 grams of carbs and with sweet potatoes, there is 22 grams of carbs.
Fiber content
There is about 3.3 grams of fiber content in a hundred gram of sweet potato, whereas there is 2.2 grams of fiber in the same proportion of regular potato. So, naturally the former has more fiber than the latter. Fiber has a lot of digestive properties that can keep your tummy fuller for longer. It also helps in balancing your body’s cholesterol level.
Protein and fat content
Either of them come with the same level of protein and fat. While a hundred grams of sweet potatoes come with 2-2.5 grams of protein, the fat content is 0.1 to 0.2 grams, white potato has a little extra fat and protein.


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