These foods are superb to prevent breast cancer in women - ATZone

These foods are superb to prevent breast cancer in women

It is known that from the breast tissue a cancer develops in women and this is known as breast cancer. Many women get affected by breast cancer more these days due to their lifestyle and food. There are few signs or symptoms of this breast cancer and these are presence of lump in the breast, change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, red or scaly patch of skin etc.
Causes for breast cancer in women:
Certain factors such as obesity, lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age of first menstruation, previous history of breast cancer etc could cause breast cancer.
Risk of getting breast cancer could be lowered or prevented by the intake of certain foods. These foods are
Intake of broccoli:
It is said that intake of broccoli could be superb in avoiding breast cancer in women. Broccoli has sulforaphane a compound and this compound lowers the number of breast cancer stem cells. Intake of raw broccoli or briefly steamed broccoli would be good.
Intake of foods having omega-3 fatty acids:
There are few foods that have rich amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Examples fishes like sardines, salmons etc are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. When foods rich is omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil supplements are consumed by women then risk of ductal carcinoma could be lowered. This ductal carcinoma is the common form of breast cancer in women is known.
Intake of plums, peaches etc:
The levels of antioxidants in plums and peaches play an important role. The polyphenols present in these fruits could kill the breast cancer cells.
Intake of green tea:
It is well known that green tea is beneficial for weight loss plus it provides us many health benefits. This green tea has got polyphenols and catechins and these antioxidants protect cells from DNA damage due to free radicals.
Intake of wheatgrass:
Not many know that intake of wheatgrass could prevent breast cancer in women. The detoxifying properties of wheat grass are terrific and it keeps the blood clean and oxygenated. RBC count gets increased. Wheatgrass creates high oxygen environment and this helps in prevention of cancer effectively.


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