These home remedies for treating food poisoning are effective - ATZone

These home remedies for treating food poisoning are effective

After taking some delicious street foods or some leftovers etc our stomach gets upset. This is termed as food poisoning and those people having food poisoning would show symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea etc. Other symptoms like abdominal pain, fever, headaches, fatigue are also seen in people affected by food poisoning. Food poisoning is otherwise called as food borne illness and is caused by bacteria, virus or parasites.
There are few home remedies available that could be used to treat this food poisoning in a person.
Intake of apple cider vinegar:
It must be noted that apple cider vinegar has got superb antibacterial properties in it. These antibacterial properties are effective against food borne pathogenic bacteria like Escherichia coli etc. In the first step add one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Then it is mixed well and consumed.
Intake of garlic:
Food borne pathogens are destroyed by garlic that has got awesome antifungal, antibacterial and anti-viral properties in it. Stomach pain, diarrhoea etc are avoided by intake of garlic. Garlic must be consumed atleast once every day to get full relief.
Intake of grapefruit seed extract:
From whole grape seeds is obtained grapefruit seed extract. The polyphenols called OPC or oligo proanthocyanidines in this grapefruit seed extract has got super antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Fighting against those pathogens that cause food poisoning is possible by the above said properties of this extract and recovery is also speeded up. In the first step few drops of grapefruit seed extract is added to a glass of water, mixed well and consumed daily.
Intake of lemon juice:
Rich in antioxidants, lemon juice helps in improving the overall healing of the body. Bacterial pathogens are responsible for food poisoning and these pathogens are destroyed by lemon juice having amazing bactericidal properties in it. Intake of this juice could help in digestion and recovery gets speeded up. In the first step juice from lemon is extracted and is mixed with galls of water. Then some honey is added for flavour and consumed. Drinking this juice 2 to 3 times daily would show superb results.
Intake of vitamin C:
Intake of vitamin C is also one effective home remedy to treat food poisoning. Intake of vitamin C rich foods like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, red pepper, cabbage etc is highly beneficial. This vitamin C is an antioxidant and it removes bacteria and toxins from our body. Symptoms of food poisoning could be managed well.


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