These indicate that you are not eating enough proteins

We all would have heard the word ‘Protein’ so many times in our lives. These proteins are found everywhere in us like skin, muscles, bones, blood etc and these proteins are building blocks of our life. Hence our body cannot afford to be deficient in protein that plays huge role in us. Deficiency of dietary protein results in Kwashiorkor which is a severe form of malnutrition. It is worthy to note that the deficiencies of protein could affect our bodily functions greatly. Hence the symptoms of protein deficiency are many.
These signs indicate that the protein intake is not enough.
Sometimes skin swells due to water retention and this condition is termed as ‘Edema’. The deficiency of proteins could result in this condition in us. It is brought out that edema is a sign of excessive deficiency of proteins.
When our body fails to produce enough levels of RBC’s, then we are anemic. The deficiency of proteins could increase the risk of anemia more. Sometimes deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folate could be due to protein deficiency.
Hair loss issues:
This hair loss in a person might be due to many reasons and protein deficiency could also be a reason. Growth of stronger and healthy hairs is possible by proteins that are essential components of hairs. Our hairs become weak and fall out when we have protein deficiency.
Healing of wounds is slow:
This is also one sign of protein deficiency in us. Sometimes an injury or a cut takes time to heal and in that case it might be due to lack of proteins in us.
Increased appetite:
We would have seen many persons sticking to high protein diet during their weight loss. These proteins reduce the hunger and cuts down the intake of calories. When a person is deficient in proteins then that person would have increased appetite.
High risks of fractures:
Protein deficiencies could affect both muscles as well as bones. For stronger bones proteins are essential. These proteins increase the absorption of calcium and finally make the bones strong. A study confirmed that in the postmenopausal women high intake of protein was associated with lower risk of hip fractures.
Frequency of getting cold is more:
The strengthening of our immune system is done by the proteins. The proteins also play its part in the building of antibodies in us. Our immune system weakens when there is protein deficiency in us and it increases the risk of getting cold. Cold would affects us again and again.
Stunted growth in the kids:
For the growth of the body, proteins are very important. Protein deficiency in kids could result in shunted growth in them. This stunted growth is the most common sign of child malnutrition.
How much of protein is needed?
It is said that an average man needs 56gms of proteins per day and average woman needs 46gms of proteins per day. This protein requirement of a person depends on many factors like body weight, age, physical activity etc.


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