Tips - Do you know about these ways for controlling our hunger? - ATZone

Tips – Do you know about these ways for controlling our hunger?

Is it possible to control our hunger? Controlling our hunger is not easy and at the time of hunger we eat more. This could lead to many issues in us like diabetes, BP etc. The hunger in us is controlled by three hormones and they are insulin, ghrelin and leptin and these hormones do different roles in eating and in the digestion process. Controlling our hunger is superb for our health. It is worthy to mention here that controlling the hunger doesn’t mean starving.
Hunger in us is of 2 type namely physical hunger and mental or emotional hunger. Physical hunger is when we feel hungry due to lack of blood sugar whereas emotional hunger or mental hunger is when we feel hungry despite eating properly and it is due to emotional factors. The emotional hunger is responsible for excess eating and finally it could lead to obesity related issues. We must make a conscious effort to control the hunger.
There are few tips that we must follow so that we could avoid excessive eating and to keep our hunger under control. These tips are
By consuming green tea or black coffee:
To avoid overeating or feeling hungry, it is important to be full with healthy foods and drinks. In this aspect consuming a cup of green tea or black coffee would be fantastic. Our hunger would be curbed by the intake of these drinks.
By consuming more protein based foods:
This is also one important method or way by which we could control our hunger effectively. Intake of proteins is fabulous as they keep us satiated and full for long time periods. The proteins take time to get digested plus they increase our metabolic rates etc. There are some protein rich foods like legumes, tofu, beans, nuts etc which we must include in our diet.
Do not skip breakfast:
Many of us have the habit of not eating breakfast due to lack of time or due to other reasons and this is wrong. Breakfast is very essential for us as it provides us energy and it could keep our hunger away.
By intake of roughage or dietary fibres:
The process of digestion in us gets slowed down by the intake of dietary fibres or roughage. It could prevent the absorption of fat and could make us satiated and full. Intake of whole grains, fruits etc are superb for us.
By consuming water between meals:
We might have seen some people drink water between their meals. This is superb as this would make them feel full. It is known that drinking water would keep us hydrated. By drinking water our digestion gets improved. There would be improvement in our bowel movements, issues like constipation are avoided.
Say no to junk foods:
These days many of us we eat junk foods. It is said that the sweet and salty taste of junk foods that keep us coming back for more is highly dangerous. So do not eat junk foods when hungry instead eat herbs, spices, healthy fats etc.


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