Tips – Please avoid doing these mistakes for your skin to be healthy and good

Skin is very important part in us and we must take great care to maintain the skin. Without knowing we make certain mistakes in skin care and these mistakes could lead to skin damage. Once we become aware of these mistakes it is already too late.
There are few common mistakes we do to our skin everyday and we must avoid those mistakes.
Popping the pimples:
This is one mistake many teenage boys and girls do in their lives. Popping of the pimples is not advisable. It is said that by squeezing and popping the pimple a hole is created and it would take up all the bacteria around it leading to many pimples.
Rubbing the skin hard:
Whenever there is itching or any irritating sensation in us we rub our skin too hard. In the beginning it would be pleasurable but in the end this hard rubbing of skin would lead to sagging of skin and skin to be more prone to wrinkles. Exfoliation of skin is good up to certain limits. Rubbing the skin hard causes over exfoliation and that is not good.
Using the same product again and again:
This is also one important mistake that must be avoided by us. When we feel good using some cream, powder, moisturizer etc we get attracted towards that particular product and we use that product repeatedly. We forget the fact that our skin hormones keep changing with change in food habits etc. Hence it is essential that we must change the skin products according to our skin and not blindly use the products repeatedly.
Ignoring neck and under portion of eyes etc:
When we cleanse our face many of us forget the neck and the portion under our eyes and do not cleanse those. It is important that neck and eyes must be given the same care like other parts of our face.


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