Useful Tips - Tips for car scratch removal - ATZone

Useful Tips – Tips for car scratch removal

The new generation two part urethane paints has a double layer of coating, a paint layer and then the cover-up layer over the color coat. This double coating will preserve the original color by protecting against rough weather, oxidation and high UV rays from the Sun. In spite of all the original protection the handling of the vehicle plays a vital role in retaining the color and original finish of the outer layer. Any kind of careless approaching cleaning with rough cloth or wiping off the vehicle’s outer parts without dusting can create lines of scratches and damages. This can further worsen with the usage of the car in the outer rough weather conditions.
In order to protect the car without any scratches you have to follow certain rules and also develop awareness about the make which will ensure the prolonged color retaining.
What are the visible lines?
Visible lines are the scratched portions of the car happened over many reasons such as rough dust-off works, physical disturbances with external materials and rubbing against a bumper. Polishing and waxing can mostly remove these kind of visible lines from your vehicle. If the process doesn’t satisfy then go for a simple liquid scratch remover. Decide the scratch remover keeping the type of scratch lines into the account for appropriate selection.
If the lines are the result of tar, bugs and adhesives then it can be easily removed with the help of a spray. For marks over the paint or acetone there are separate products designed for exclusive scratch removal purposes. If the spray cleaner doesn’t serve the purpose then use a soft grade rubbing compound. Use it gently as it may wipe off the outer coat when overused. After finishing the cleaning process with the compound seal the surface with a good car wax for future protection against dust and UV rays.
Scratches that exceeds certain limit where it can be felt with the touch of the hands should be cleared off with only touch-up paint or through professional service. More aggressive approaches for the kind of heavy scratches can damage the outer layer and so be very careful in deciding the type of treatment for your vehicle, mainly the house hold techniques or the professional care.
For medium depth scratches you can use a car scratch remover kit along with common household drill. Leave some outer coat for the protection and then finish off the scratch covering work. After the completion with the scratch kit close the area with wax or synthetic polish to bring back the original shining smoothness.
Key to remove scratches
By running your finger nail over the scratch you can determine the depth of the line. If you feel the scratch intensely then rubbing compounds will not solve the clearance of the scratch. Polishing methods and compounds can be used only for minor scratches for which you cannot feel the scratch on your finger nails.
Select a 3000-grit pad that have a soft touch to remove the scratch. The softness of the grit pad can mislead you to apply the solution heavily over the damaged layer. So never over apply the compound as it may damage the coating leading to destruction of the original color in the affected area. Allow the compound to dry over the affected area after applying mediumum pressure at flat angles for uniform distribution of the chemical.
After the application of the compound and leaving it for drying remove any kind of residue left over on the surface by using a clean micro fiber towel. The towel must be absolutely clean and wipe off all the unwanted parts from the affected area. Overlap the area slightly with light speed setting and then polish the compounded area. Then finally protect with a polish or wax and allow the affected area to dry without any kind of external disturbances.


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