Health Corner - These could be the reasons why in some persons eyes are watery always - ATZone

Health Corner – These could be the reasons why in some persons eyes are watery always

Eyes are very important to us. It is because of the presence of two eyes we are able to see the world around us. The presence of some minor issues in our eyes could lead to many difficulties for us. We might not be able to carry out our daily activities also. Hence proper care must be given to our eyes.
It is worthy to note that some people experience wateriness in their eyes always. This wateriness is associated with symptoms like itching, redness etc. Persons having wateriness in their eyes often rub their eyes.
There are few causes for watery eyes in us and these are
Dry eye syndrome:
This could be one important reason for our eyes being watery. In some persons due to the over use of gadgets or due to dust etc, their eye tissues become very dry. T prevent complete drying out of the eyes, the immune system in us stimulate eyes to produce excess water. As a result of this the eyes remain watery constantly.
Certain medications:
It is said that certain medications could also cause watery eyes. People take medicines for depression issues, medicines for Parkinson’s disease, medicines to treat allergies etc and these medicines could result in dryness in the eyes. This could lead to excess water secretion from the eyes because of the responsive nature of the immune system.
Autoimmune diseases:
Studies have shown that autoimmune diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome affect the moisture secreting glands in the eyes and make them dry. This could lead to excess water and eyes become watery. It must be noted that the immune system attacks the healthy cells in the body.
Tear ducts get blocked:
The tear ducts present in our eyes are responsible for the tears and our eyes are kept moist and healthy by these tears from the tear glands. These tear ducts gets blocked due to pollution, infections etc. The tear ducts could also get blocked due to excessive use of eye cosmetics. The blocking of tear ducts could lead to dry eyes. This causes more fluid to be secreted by our eyes and our eyes remain watery always.
In many people allergies in their eyes are caused due to external factors like dust, pollen, fumes, pet hairs etc. Tissues of the eyes become inflamed due to allergy. This leads to more water production in the eyes and eyes remain watery constantly.
Eye drops:
Many of us use eye drops prescribed by the doctors to treat many eye infections etc. This eye drop could cause inflammation plus other issues like watery eyes etc in us.
Infections in the eyes:
Sometimes our eyes gets infected by bacteria or virus etc and this could lead to few symptoms like redness, itchiness, irritations etc. Excess secretion of water from the eye also takes place.


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