What can be done to procure a new SIM card in the present confusion about Aadhar card? - ATZone

What can be done to procure a new SIM card in the present confusion about Aadhar card?

As per the court order that the companies offering cell phone services cannot use Aadhar cards, the SIM card companies have been facing complications.
The Supreme Court ordered a sensational verdict on 26th September that Aadhar would be necessary only to avail all the beneficial public schemes given by the central government. Further, the Supreme Court also categorically explained the avenues where Aadhar card need not be mandatory.
The Supreme Court ordered that for the activities of opening a new bank savings account, to obtain a cell phone number, for participating in competitive examinations such as NEET, and the admission of students in schools.
Subsequently, UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) asked the companies providing cell phone services to respond with the new scheme stopping the requirement of Aadhar cards, It had insisted a reply before 15th October.
When a SIM card is bought, a form given needs to be filled and submitted. The form asks for personal details ID card, Address-proof card and a photo. Once submitted with all details, it generally takes 24 hours for the SIM card to be activated.
Meanwhile, the company providing the ID card will call and confirm regarding the validity of the name and the address. This was the procedure until now. However, after the Supreme court order, the current situation is that if the fingerprint and Aadhar card is available, a new SIM card can be bought and it will be activated immediately.
In this scenario, the companies proving cell phone services have now asked for extended time to devise a new system to verify the personal data of the buyers of new SIM cards. They have also written to UIDAI  regarding this issue. They have explained it will be a cumbersome procedure to follow the paper-mode systems for verification of personal data which would be very expensive as well as a long time delay.
Meanwhile, the central government has devised new systems for verifying personal data without the privacy of Aadhar card details being taken.
Further, the central government has also allowed the private companies to check and verify the Aadhar card details on ‘off-line’ mode using QR code and other resources.
With the categorical Supreme Court Order that Aadhar card is not mandatory for getting mobile numbers, there is an excited expectation regarding the new alternatives to be proposed by the private companies offering cell phone services.


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